Sunday, September 17, 2006

yay for death opportunities!

So, apparently now Al Qaeda wants to attack France. Joining forces they are with the Algerian terrorists. It's gonna be interesting.
Now add our lovely Pope's miscommunication, and well, Germany might be on the top of the list soon enough, or, maybe they'll just go for the Vatican itself... OOOO i can't wait.

Here are some statistics about death (from National Geographic, August 2006):

- 1 in 1 chances of dying (no you dont say!!!)
- 1 in 7 chances of dying from cancer
- 1 in 84 chances of dying from motor vehicule accident
- 1 in 119 chances of dying from suicide (hun, fancy that!?)
- 1 in 216 chances of dying from falling (we're such klutzes)
- 1 in 625 chances of dying from a pedestrian accident (been there... almost)
- 1 in 4919 chances of dying from a bicycling accident (so my new method is slightly safer, by a factor of 8ish)
- 1 in 5051 chances of dying from air/space acident
- 1 in 62468 chances of dying from legal execution (I'll work on avoiding that one)
- 1 in 340733 chances of dying from fireword discharges.

Enlightening, isn't it? I do believe these are statistics for the USA tho... gotta check this shit out.

Thursday, September 14, 2006

Helene has formed in the Atlantic!!!!
I'm excited... i found some cool stuff bout previous helene's

Hurricane Helene was the strongest hurricane in the 1958 Atlantic hurricane season, reaching peak winds of 135 mph and tied with Hurricane Ilsa. Helene was the only hurricane of the season to impact the United States. Because the hurricane remained offshore, winds and rainfall were confined to the immediate coastline. Damage amounted to $11 million ($72 million in 2005 USD), making Helene the costliest storm of the season.

1988: Category 4, yet "It never approached land and no damage or casualties were reported."

other were just tropical storms... unfortunately i don't think this one will be a doosie. poop.

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Long time no see.

I had a lot to go through. Unfortunately, I just got distracted by the prospect of stalking people for 3 weeks.
Classes have started. my last fall term. Took me a while to figure the courses out, but im settled, and swiftly keeping track of my work. Unfortunately, I'm foregoing the most important part: the 331 report. but well figure that out. later. obviously.
Instead, let's focus on things in my life: anger, happiness, obliviousness, music, confusion, and fuzziness.
anger: not even going there. i take it out by punching. Safe now, don't you worry. no more punching walls for me. All goes into pads.
happiness: i have a foster piggie: ebony. Then I have a apartment kitty: butters. Then we have a bike: no name. then we have a work permit. no job yet. but eventually i hope.
obliviousness: Im getting pretty good at not thinking bout what bothers me... and thats a lot of shit. im not with the positive thinking yet... but hell, can't ask for the moon.
music: its all encompassing. obviously.
confusion: how do i feel so old on campus, yet am not? what the hell am i doing? what the hell are we all doing? (obliviousness then kicks in... what?)
fuzziness: pig and kitty. and squirrels... ooooo i love squirrels. oh and back to the confusion (ie. what the hell?)

My new hobby is reading all of emile zola's work. got my work cut out for me. we'll see bout education later.

and just for a good laugh: "To achieve more balance: Be less judgmental of those around you, and take cool walks in the moonlight."

Saturday, September 02, 2006

for some reason curiousity this morning made me go look at the hurricane season. and HIP HIP HOORAY! there will be a hurricane with my name: Helene. Let's just hope it is a doosie.

Monday, July 31, 2006

You Give Me Fever!

Icky ick ick. Try getting a cold in the middle of sweltering summer.
I think the worst part is that you sweat twice as much: from the heat and from the fever.
And then try sleeping. It's no fun... NO FREAKIN FUN AT ALL!!!!
I haven't been very aware of what's goin on around me. Just that it's sweltering, but too cold inside, and that I need to make a suitcase, clean room and other stuff, and that there are 2 days and 1/2 to go.

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Hazy haze haze.... haze

I am so darn confuzzled. Since Monday night Ive entered an area of strange nostalgia mixed with a harsh realization, intense bliss, comforting tranquility and an irrepressible urge to cry. Somehow all that doesn't necessarily reflect all that's going on.
I feel like I'm sinking into dark times, but at the same time my face is frozen into a placid grin. Things I recoil from offer irresistable attractions. I just want to take off, and gaze at a flat open space of nothingness for hours, experience every sensation of my body, every little prickle, ache and pain.
I'm so fucking lucky, yet unsatisfied. I look up to all the people I meet on my various trips, feel unworthy of their affection. I admire people who are looked down upon: who take upon themselves to make the best of what they have. Who despite the curves life throws them, always get back up and fight.
And here I am, always taking the hard road, creating my own obstacles. Is it b/c I aspire to be like them? Or simply b/c I think it will make me a better person?
In a way, I'm unsatisfied for all the wrong reasons. I have all I need. At least it seems like it. All I'm really missing is a purpose. But maybe that's just cuz everything else is in the right place. I don't want to go back to McGill. It feels fake and useless of a universe. I much prefer being surrounded with people who actually do real stuff. I might offend some people here, but I'm tired of all the uselessness. The futility of learning stuff, regurgitating it, going out, the prissy upper scale people boozing and always going out. The she devils and the preppy buff boys. They're so unreal, escaping their unease in another way.
Still, to the general public, I guess I would also be considered a she devil. White chick, food concious (but at least concious of the problem), money spending, parent relying (though I try not to). Like I said a few weeks ago, I feel like one of those sheltered kids trying to live the "real life"... Cuz let's face it, what wasn't sheltered about my life: did I not have both of my parents? did I not always have all I needed?
The only things I can think about that are slightly off were self induced.
So I am just a sheltered kid pretending to be real. I'm just as hypocritical and repulsive as all the people I criticize.
I learned from last summer that the taste in music reflects well the difference between groups of people. I still learn about it today.
the whole rock/emo/folk, the music with the guitars (acoustic or guitar), drums etc, is always full of self deprication, themes that involve the individual, and sometimes slight references to the rest of the world. But mainly, it includes the individual's feeling of unease and contempt.
Unaccompanied music lyrics always refer to the angst of the group of people. It's not as self centered.
All my favorite songs refer to mental, self induced terror. Only recently can I understand the other kind; the injustice of the masses. No, I will never experience it in it's full extent. There's nothing remarkable about me... well maybe if I go somewhere else, where I look like the outcast. But still, whether it be in the grayhound bus, where I'm the only caucasion onboard, or being mistaken for the manager cuz I'm the only white person behind the counter (true story), or simply being accused of racism because nobody was at the cash register to ring somebody up, it all opens your eyes to what is so wrong about everything.
Another thing is the difference in price between food. The produce and real food is all overpriced. Ever walk into a DC fast food restaurant? What a surprise.

As always, I've lost track of all I was saying and am totally unsure of how this thing means anything or if anybody has the patience of reading and agreeing or if they just think that I'm going through one of my uncalled for rants that I never do anything about.

But still, right at this moment, I would just want to be on a beach, totally alone, with music and a notebook. To ponder. And ponder some more. I'm a constant blunder of things, always boiling up, unable to get out. I'm agog for what stands before me, know that my quest is not finished.
I expect to stay crazy, unfulfilled, and slightly sociably unacceptable for a few years. My time to settle down and take part successfully in the world hasn't come just yet... I'm still just an anguished teenager a little overdue.

Friday, July 21, 2006

Happy 21st of July!!! VIVE LES BELGES!

Well life's doing quite nicely. and unfortunately it's mainly linked to something material. hey, when the spiritual is missing, gotta find something?

So I went out today to a (very pretty, all in bricks) mall. I started by treating myself to a dress and 2 shirts (... i didn't enter any shoe stores for fear of going insane... I love shoes).
Then I got made up at sephora... that was lovely, but over the top... i feel weird withcompletely made up face, with the foundation and stuff ... i feel like everybody can see it. I eman, the whole porceline face ting is sary to me and i dont know why. or i do know why: have you seen a porceline face w/out the porceline?
none the less, i invested in concealer, cuz ive built nice red and prune undereye circles this summer. charamin isnt it. was gonna go for the bronzer, but then figured that was over the top.

then came best buy: i bothered a guy to try out different speaker models and ended up with a slightly less portable/slightly more heavy ones, but with AMAZING sound and so freakin loud w/out distortion. the bass sounds awesome; its basically a mini subwoofer. makes me happy cuz the sound it so clear and loud, just like i love it.
tmw i get to play ice cream, but for the moment it's "what not to wear" and all that fun stuff.

oh, and have a good draft for the paper. that makes life pretty damn cool too, unless its deemed unworthy by biologist :-S

Thursday, July 13, 2006


Well, it's decided: I grow uglier as i age. At this rate, i'm gonna be a scary looking 40 year old, which will aid in my future as cat lady.

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

baby birdie list and ouch!

These are all the baby birdies we have:
- two koris
- two scarlet ibis (haven't seen yet)
- two flamingo (one's out of his shell, the other's working on it - names: bonnie and clyde)
- four bamboo partridges... SO CUTE AND TINY!

You are changing leaves

Pretty, but soon dead.

Tuesday, July 11, 2006


does anybody else have those insane nights, where you sleep extremeley profoundly,wake up disoriented, thinking taht is is near wake up time, and find out you have only been asleep for 1 or 2 hrs?
and then you feel the need to do something tho you are in a sleepy torpor, and then can't fall asleep, and keep on jerking awake.
that was my lovely night last night. coupled with a back ache... it was strange.

Oh, and I can't help myself:
Part II: I didn't want to look lame putting up a new post on the same day, so im just gonna continue in the same vein.
My new guilty pleasure is to listen to "Open Bar" on Oui FM. obviously for ppl who know it, you gotta be like, how do you? internet, watson.
For those who don't know it, Oui FM is the best radio in France. Le Mouv tries, but its nowhere close. Oui FM just plays rock, a lot of indie and french rock.
And Open Bar is the evening show, full of cynicism and french connerie.

i miss the french.

Sunday, July 09, 2006

Anatomical Update

Something most will not want to know but is still intringuingly disgusting:
My mouth was peeling this morning... the inside of it.

Saturday, July 08, 2006

Monarchs Pirates and Earrings

I decided to be educate myself and look up all the countries that still are monarchies today. I came up with a lovely list on Wikipedia (obviously). Some of my favorites:
Co Princes in Andorra
Dragon King of Bhutan
Paramount Ruler of Malaysia
Swaziland She Elephant

Pirates are still cool. Though I think I lost part of the plotline, either cuz it was slightly too complicated or cuz I was to busy watching one of the actors... hum...
Awesome cliffhanger at the end.
I realllllllllly can't wait for next summer: no more McGill, Spidey 3 and PoC 3!!!

Im offended i got booted off a wall on facebook.and i thought I was petty... tsssssssss

I finally have a pair of pink earrings. cant believe that was actually missing in my collection.

Back to the game

Thursday, July 06, 2006

geek stink breath

ifinally understand why i don't feel like myself sometimes.
i'm born in the wrong social sphere.
this train of thought all emerged from the fact taht reuben and pedro said, "you're pretty damn cool for a white chick".
Let's face it, never do i feel as comfortable than when i work jobs which are not used to seeing.... well white girls.
First of all: mickey d's. ostensibley one of the only white girls, and naturally the only one coming from west of paris.still, i got on marvellously well with the people. Felt right at home after a difficult beginnin to the summer.
now maggie moo's: i just let go there, do silly things, talk about things that actually preoccupy me. don't feel judged or anything. and once agian, the only white chick in a mix of latinos and blacks who all work for a living even if half are students (and the other half either preggers or such).
now htis is sounding obnoxious of my part: rich person feeling like they're living "the real life".
but it's not that. i just almost feel closer to then people who usually surround me, whether it be at the lycee (reduced circle of friends... look at my connections on facebook haha) and don't even get me started at mcgill... al those fuckin enviro kids who praise socialism and all that shit, yet wear a hugo boss coat that mommy and daddy paid for and go out everynight to get smashed... where did they get that money i ask you?

You Have a Melancholic Temperament

Introspective and reflective, you think about everything and anything.
You are a soft-hearted daydreamer. You long for your ideal life.
You love silence and solitude. Everyday life is usually too chaotic for you.

Given enough time alone, it's easy for you to find inner peace.
You tend to be spiritual, having found your own meaning of life.
Wise and patient, you can help people through difficult times.

At your worst, you brood and sulk. Your negative thoughts can trap you.
You are reserved and withdrawn. This makes it hard to connect to others.
You tend to over think small things, making decisions difficult.

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Zazi and Tani

Monday, July 03, 2006

baby birdie is a cutie!!!!


so yes, we've got quite honestly THE cutest little baby bird in the basement of the birdhouse. named zazi. which means fertile in swahili (hahhhahha).
fine, it will be tied cutest baby birdie when his sibling comes out today (oh please i be here!!!!!).

however where one life begins another ends: the senior kori, jane, stopped eating a few days ago, and ain't doing too well.
sara has gone to the hospital with her at the present time.
we'll see what happens, but i hope she'll be ok.

weather update: could be thunderstormin on the fourth of july, so byebye fireworks in the nations capital for me :(.

Saturday, July 01, 2006

better mood.

so yeah. im in a better mood.
i don't know why.
but i am.
tomorrow ill bring in pictures of another jami. yes, i have found a replacement for jamie during the summer. this one is jami. and shes nice.
we're gonna see piiiiiiiiiiiiii rates next week.
also, mark hoppus is in another band with travis barker. tahts fun. they will not diiiiiiiiie.
will not diiiiiiiiiiiiiiiie.
new band is called (+44).
hopefully it will be good.
yeah and no tom delonge in this one. no siree. just pure mark (and three other ppl).

oh and visit my pictures . cuz some are interesting. others are pointless.

Friday, June 30, 2006

tidal wave/flood/tsunami

People are gonna have to hold on tight for this one. A lot has been going through my mind, about un peu de tout et n'importe quoi.
i'm trying my best to get a good train of thought, but frankly, I can't say it's coming to me. Instead, I'm goin blank. which is wierd.
Writer's block seems to have taken control of my life. I have a freaking paper to write, and it's not inspiring me just yet. I have too many potential pistes, and not sure where any of them are going. I think it mostly with not wanting to make a mistake, look like an idiot, admit defeat. I try to believe it wasn't too big of a task to tackle, but I won't lie that I'm doubting. I at least have to do somehting for mcgill. I'm kinda hoping it will all just come to me, but as the days go by I fear.

Still, in a way, the paper is the least of my worries. Yesterday morning I was out doing a GLT watch (Golden Lion Tamarin, which roam free in the zoo during the summer - check out NZP's website), and discussing their behavior with the keeper. These little monkeys are monogamous. And they're not the only ones out there. Im in no ways suggesting that monogamy is the most common thing in natre, but it certainly does exist. And we're talking animals which have pretty decent life spans. Take the Tamarins: 20 yrs in captivity, and usually mate when they are around 2 yrs old. 18yrs together.
As I learned this, I also learned the average length of an American marriage: in 2002, marriages typically lasted 7 yrs,
so what? what happens after 7 yrs? you just stop? you just start anew? leave everything behind? build again?
This obviously leads me to 2 different tracks
1. Love
2. the past.

I'll start with the past. i just came back from superman returns (pretty decent), and the more i think about it, the more movies nowadays are either remakes or sequels. We've run out of new ideas or are afraid of them.
and then take fashion, in the 90's we dressed like in the 70's and now we dress like in the 80's? where is the real innovation, why do we continuously return to what was?
now, in my case, i am fully and entirely guilty of this crime (not fashion wise, thank god). I constantly fear the future, wished i'd live in another era ( i think the 19th century or so would have been good). now more concretely, i'm absolutely incapable of letting go of what has been. I feel stuck in some kind of pre teen mode, while everything I try to hang on to simply continues to move. it's like one of those commercials where they focus on a pretty couple while the rest flows past in an incoherent blur. minus the pretty and minus the couple. just me. and my stupid brain.
and what kills me is that i know all this and i'm just so complacent about it. i criticize criticize but don't have the courage to do anything.
is that simply b/c every time i muster up some courage, i choose the wrong people/things? everytime i believe i have found an example, i get discouraged by a little detail? or is that just something i tell myself to continue in my same ol' cynicism?

obviously, love is a great example of this cynicism. and we all know where that went wrong for me. well there are multiple reasons. but one v notorious to all, and then another less notorious, and one i just vaguely recall it was so abrupt.

Some would say to ignore the bad, and focus on what's good. that's what I got when I attempted yoga last night. Must say wasn't entirely impressed with the mantra. if people don't like me, too bad for them. Ok i follow you then. but if you apply that to all, "ignoring the bad", you're not advancing at all. it seems more egotistical than anything else.
i admire people who have fire to combat evil, like in the constant gardener (which I am currently reading), yet there aren't enough. i'd think i want to do my part, but i think my dreams might have died along the way. unfortunately: " "Death is not the greatest loss in life. The greatest loss is what dies inside us while we live." Norman Cousins
i look at pictures of myself and don't recognize myself.
I was the kid who wanted to be the first woman president or first woman priest. the kid who was curious about everyone and everything. the blonde pigtailed girl with no front teeth who drove people nuts by constantly talking for no apparent reason. i turned into a teen that experimented and was convinced she was her own person.
there's this really bizarre thing i remember vividly in 10th grade. it was one of the jour de greve of the cantine and we all had our packed lunches, and for some reason (and i dont remember the context), i declared that i would never be anorexic, and someone agreed with me.
and bam, the year after, i wither away, a carcass roaming the halls. obviously,that incident and what insued is not the important part. but it kind of pinpoints the idea.
in the course of a year, probably much less, something died inside me. i promised myself to reclaim it. and i fooled people into thinking i did (at least I assume i did. maybe not as much anymore).

yet, i know there is still something missing. and i miss it.
i really do.

and i dont know what to do to rekindle it

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Washington DC used to be a swamp.
Someone out there is nostalgic.
Someone out there is determined to recreate the initial state.
Or better: it's the terrorist; they've found a way to control weather and make trees fall in the white house backyard (I am so not making this up. Google "elm tree white house")
For those unaware, it has been raining buckets. It's some sort of fake monsoon, w/ 23 cm of rain in 2 days, flash floods, etc... and its not over yet apparently :-D.
Makes workin at ice cream quite fun. As Calvin and I discovered last night, not only does it make business slow, (so we can talk aobut old tv shows), but it also makes ppl generous. W/ maybe 20 clients last night, we got 15$ in tips. And hell, for 20 ppl thats a shit load!

What's less fun, is cuz of the rain, the zoo is closed, but I didn't know. So from 6:30AM to 7:30 AM I was walking around the zoo desperately looking for an open gate. Finally, returned home, emailed Sara, who told me bout a special gate, which I promptly found, and now im safe inside :). But I was not a happy bunny.
Thank God for IPod and Jeronimo. Nothing like "Moi je voudrais" to put you in a good mood, followed by "Glass Dance" by the Faint.

Saturday, June 24, 2006

Presenting the birdies.

Since I'm not tired (not sure why), I'd thougth I'd present you to the birdies of the birdhouse, with the pictures taken directly from NZP website!

First, this is Romeo the red billed blue magpie. He used to be in the outdoor flight cage. he steals mittens from the baby strollers, eats sparrows, escapes from the cage, and harasses the hammerkops.... He was punished last week, got placed in the basement. Now he's inside, as so not to bother the other outdoor flightcage birdies.

Marabou storks... they're silly.always sunbathing, always displaying (though they might both be males...)... I'm sad tho: ppl always simply point out that they aren't very cute... they call them downright ugly :(

Hammy! You should all know arthur and molly by now (i dont know if i should tell them I've named them....) They are really adorable, with their huge nest. Sara thinks they might even be INCUBATING!!! BABY HAMMIES!!!!

pygmy falcon. The CUTEST little birdie ever. once again a little couple but they've been having problems making fertile eggs that survive through incubation... sad. I would have loved to see some tiny teeny baby falcon...
they really are pygmy.

Tinamou: SO FUNNY. she was handreared and loves humans... shes always at the edge of her cage. they even had to put a plastic sheet so she would stop sticking her beak through the wires!

again burrowing owl, cute as a button. we now have a female. they will be introduced tuesday... they like to follow you, they spin their head all the way around to see you, and they bob up and down if you hide from them!

Friday, June 23, 2006

Written contract???

"You've got such a pretty smile
It's a shame the things you hide behind it
Let 'em go
Give it up for a while
Let 'em free and we will both go find it"

I'd like that. Someone to help me get through. But at the same time, last time it blew up in my face and left me farther down than where I'd started.
Now I'm not praising myself by assuming I have a pretty smile, especially after everythign I make my teeth endure. but hell. it's not all that bad. and the rest is true.
it's tiring to constantly ahve to battle the same ails year after year. 5 years is starting to become slightly too long for me. 1/4 of my life... that will not do.
i think that along with a getting a job, acing and finishing school work (for at least 1 yr, or 2... I'm not too excited about going back to school really), that will be my last objective of this year... solving my relationship with Ed, as some call it.
There are so many times where I was so close... I just want to see the end of the tunnel and reach it once and for all.

And doesn't this just explain my obsession ?
You are Maryiln Monroe

A classic tortured beauty
You're the dream girl of many men
Yet they never seem to treat you right

Ok so the comments are a little too much, but for those who don't know, I adore Marilyn Monroe b/c her life seems so real to me. Too real at times.

how did I know?

Thursday, June 22, 2006


thats just about al l that comes to mind rihgt now.
was sick yesterday: nosebleeds, headaches, nausea.... and writer's block.
I am so determined to get this stupid stupid introduction down that it is not flowing out despite the fact that i have an ideal timeline.
it just wont plah!
and now i'm stalling here.

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

sad. argus chicks got sick. one's dead. the other is supposedly going...

happy. i named the hammerkof couple. Arthur and Molly. I'm sure some of you (the better ones) will know where that comes from.

Friday, June 16, 2006


Here's an update on the bird situation

Attacker: I found his nest. And that time he didnt attack me. But he did yesterday morning and yesterday afternoon, and more an more viciously... He follows me. I'm terrified. I'm changing routes to get to the zoo.

Koris: Tanzy laid an egg that will hatch July 1rst. Yay! Baby Kori!!!!

Flamingoes: still as noisy. Also have eggs due mid July.

Other birdies: We have Argus chicks, and a stork is on an egg (I believe).

Paper: unconvinced.

Next year: unconvinced.

Love: unconvinced

Rest of the world: unconvinced

Total: unconvinced, but a glimmer of hope.

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

"Intern attacked on her way to the Zoo"

This morning, this beautiful,fresh june morning, I was assailed,.
The peace and tranquility of dawn was shadowed as I was physically abused by a winged attacker.
Yes, this morning I was victim of beak abuse.
So Im walkin along, spring in my step, false notes in the air, when, BAM, something hits me in the shoulder. i turn, and see this poor bird kinda swerving away.
My motherly instincts for any animal which is not a human instantly kicked in, and i started cooin over the poor birdie, and askin it if it was ok. seemed like it as he sat on the branch, so I continued.
I wondered what had prompted such clumsy behavior, and wondered if perhaps i had somthing on my back, so i reach towards my bag.
indeed, there is something.
horrified, i fling my bag off, only to see mr.birdie fly off of it and towards me again.
"what the hell?" i utter in an absurdly half pitch voice, and back away with my precious pink bag in my hand.

Later on, I tried identifying my assailant:the Northern Mockingbird. Reading his fifiche, I happen to come across his motives:

"Mockingbirds are extremely territorial and become defensive against potential predators. "
what predator?
"If you or your child or pet approaches a nest, either knowingly or otherwise, the mockingbird will defend its nest by swooping and chasing the intruder. No known harm has resulted in attacks from mockingbirds."
Here I disagree: i have been emotionally scarred by this violent encounter.
"This behavior is temporary and will only continue for as long as there are hatchlings in the nest (about two weeks). It is best to avoid the nesting area during this short period.

And finally my favorite part:
"As a songbird it is protected by the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission and cannot be physically harmed, nor can the habitat be molested in any way. "

Here's a picture of the felon. Be wary.

Saturday, June 10, 2006

I've figured it out!

I need to find a guy who is funny as hell yet v responsible and aware of life. Example: a my aged guy with a kid hes involved with.
thats somewhat contradictory, cuz if he has a kid, there was some lack of responsability, but that he sitll is involved, is responsible...

Friday, June 09, 2006

damn gorgeous man!

why is it that johnny depp is ridiculously good looking even when he has a mullet!!!!????

Wednesday, June 07, 2006


Oh how I do bore you with lyrics. But I do advise you to listen to Jude, cuz nobody is as good as he is.... Im so tempted to paste the lyrics,but to spare you I will just put the link!!! am completely paranoid about this paper: will I finish it? can i actually write a freakin paper? The more time advances (only 7 weeks left - wtf????), the more it kinda is just sitting in the back of my mind going, paper... papeeeeeeeeeeer...paaaaaaaaaper.... PAPER!

But right now, nothing can touch me: Ryan Reynolds and Alanis Morissette has split up apparently. Thats two good things in one: maybe Alanis will start her angry singing again, which is awesome, and damn, Ryan is a very hot single man now.... age gap? what age gap?
Yet they were cute together (that hurts)... sigh. osrry guys.

Sunday, June 04, 2006

Overambitious maybe?

this has been one long and difficult week...
it all started wednesday night: I had to work at another location in dc, thats about a 30-40 min walk from where I was. work was to be from 530-1130 (shop closed at 11, takes about 30 mins to finish cleaning etc.)
so at 10 to 11, we're winding down, tis all good, no worries. Until BAM: about 40 eight graders, pile in, all with different orders (including many milkshakes assholes). I query on why they are out so late: graduation trip up to dc. wtf???!!!
so after them, we have about 20 other ppl, who assumed we were open cuz of the massive crowd. By the time we get everybody out, it is 1140ish, and the store is an absolute mess (btw, we ewer only 2 working at the time).
so we clean etc etc... and get out of there at 12 something... which meant that the metros were clsoed, which meant i had to walk home, so i only get home at 1 something.
oh and reminder, i get up at 5 every morning.
THANK GOD, i didnt have to go to the zoo the next day b/c she was takin a day of and so was the head of the bird house so i cou;ldmnt get into my office.
Then we have friday night: working from 730-230am. So my day was: 630am-330pm, then get the girls form the bus and make snack, and call bank, and then sleep from 6-730 (i got to work late) .
Saturday: MY WHOLE BODY IS ACHING. carrying icecream, scooping icecream (why the hell is it so hard), walking back and forth in crappy worn out shoes. still, work from 1130am-830pm. get home and eat and sleep at 10.
today only my scoopin arm and feet hurt. and work from 12-8pm, (hopefully, if ppl come in on time).
i am praying that I dont work tomorrow: tow reasons, I gotta go to UMD (university of Maryland) and I want to sleep. and rest my poor muscles....
remind me never to gte 2 jobs again. its too painful.

Wednesday, May 31, 2006

"Despite all my rage, I am still just a rat in cage"

The heat has hit. in the lower 30's with over 80% humidity. Pretty gross really. Cool thing though: it steam pressed my skirt yesterday :).
Zoo is slightly slow, as I'm waiting for other zoo's to send me their data... so I'm sifting through my biometry book, trying to figure out what test I'm actually going to be doing... since I only have 4 or 5 years... not v significant really.
The saga of the animlas continues: there are mice in the basha's house, and I will be in charge of getting rid of tghem. so I have to find some mouse friendly traps and set them around the house, so I can let them go free. I saw a cute lil gray one yesterday, tiny, but a fast little bugger, he was running up and down the stairs! how the hell he did that, no can tell you, but he was very doue!
Ice cream store is good, but I fear that along with the zoo, I might fall in a long and heavy sleep. I'm on a 5 day shift there. This w/e is long and... long: 20-230 on friday, 1130-20 on saturday, and 12-8 on sunday... I might die. So hte rest of my time will be spent sleeping I predict.
There's a 15 year old bitch there too: she first told me I looked younger than her, to which I rebuted taht it will serve me in my later years (yeah thats right!), and then she kept on telling me what to do! get off my case lil one...
Aighty back to sifting, and then wandering, and then eating, and then analysing, and then napping and then scooping, and then sleeping (thats in the next 14 hours hihhi)

Tuesday, May 30, 2006

lovely song really

J'ai même pas une excuse pour rester couchée
J'suis même pas malade, j'ai pas contracté
Un virus, une allergie, la grande épidémie
J'ai pas connu tout ça
J'suis même pas drôle, même pas contente
Je sais pas trop c'que j'ai, j
J' 'suis indécise, surtout jamais comprise
Y'a moi et mes parents dans l'même appartement
On est heureux comme ça
Mais plus j'grandis plus j'apprécie qu'ils m'foutent la paix,
J'sais pas c'que j'ai
J'suis même pas moi, j'suis à côté et complètement larguée
J'suis même pas faite pour vivre sur cette planête

Si c'est comme ça je n'en doute pas
Je passerai par tous les états
Les déceptions, tout ça c'est pas facile à vivre
Si c'est ainsi dans tous les cas
On grandit, on ne choisit pas
Et sur le fil il faut tenir en équilibre

J'ai arrêté l'école, je fais quelques bricoles
Pour voir mon porte-monnaie crever la dalle, tout amaigri
Pour lui la grande épidémie, j'ai pas pleuré, on m'a viré
Je sais pas trop ce que j'ai
J'suis même pas celle que j'ai toujours été
J'ai juste un seul espoir, c'est d'avoir une histoire
De rencontrer quelqu'un
Devant l'envie très vite j'me dis
Ca s'trouve j'suis même pas jolie
J'sais pas quoi faire, j'vis dans une serre
Je sais pas trop c'que j'ai
J'suis même pas faite pour vivre sur cette planête

Si c'est comme ça je n'en doute pas
Je passerai par tous les états
Les déceptions, tout ça c'est pas facile à vivre
Si c'est ainsi dans tous les cas
On grandit, on ne choisit pas
Et sur le fil il faut tenir en équilibre

J'achète un poisson rouge, il est vivant, il bouge
J'oublie jamais les graines
Mais si j'pouvais moi même prendre de la graine
Pour dire j'en ai assez
J'sais pas c'que j'ai, j'sais pas où j'vais
Et que faire de ma peau
Et dans ma tête y'a toujours des travaux

Si c'est comme ça je n'en doute pas
Je passerai par tous les états
Les déceptions, tout ça c'est pas facile à vivre
Si c'est ainsi dans tous les cas
On grandit, on ne choisit pas
Et sur le fil il faut tenir en équilibre

-La Grande Sophie