Sunday, September 17, 2006

yay for death opportunities!

So, apparently now Al Qaeda wants to attack France. Joining forces they are with the Algerian terrorists. It's gonna be interesting.
Now add our lovely Pope's miscommunication, and well, Germany might be on the top of the list soon enough, or, maybe they'll just go for the Vatican itself... OOOO i can't wait.

Here are some statistics about death (from National Geographic, August 2006):

- 1 in 1 chances of dying (no you dont say!!!)
- 1 in 7 chances of dying from cancer
- 1 in 84 chances of dying from motor vehicule accident
- 1 in 119 chances of dying from suicide (hun, fancy that!?)
- 1 in 216 chances of dying from falling (we're such klutzes)
- 1 in 625 chances of dying from a pedestrian accident (been there... almost)
- 1 in 4919 chances of dying from a bicycling accident (so my new method is slightly safer, by a factor of 8ish)
- 1 in 5051 chances of dying from air/space acident
- 1 in 62468 chances of dying from legal execution (I'll work on avoiding that one)
- 1 in 340733 chances of dying from fireword discharges.

Enlightening, isn't it? I do believe these are statistics for the USA tho... gotta check this shit out.


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