Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Hazy haze haze.... haze

I am so darn confuzzled. Since Monday night Ive entered an area of strange nostalgia mixed with a harsh realization, intense bliss, comforting tranquility and an irrepressible urge to cry. Somehow all that doesn't necessarily reflect all that's going on.
I feel like I'm sinking into dark times, but at the same time my face is frozen into a placid grin. Things I recoil from offer irresistable attractions. I just want to take off, and gaze at a flat open space of nothingness for hours, experience every sensation of my body, every little prickle, ache and pain.
I'm so fucking lucky, yet unsatisfied. I look up to all the people I meet on my various trips, feel unworthy of their affection. I admire people who are looked down upon: who take upon themselves to make the best of what they have. Who despite the curves life throws them, always get back up and fight.
And here I am, always taking the hard road, creating my own obstacles. Is it b/c I aspire to be like them? Or simply b/c I think it will make me a better person?
In a way, I'm unsatisfied for all the wrong reasons. I have all I need. At least it seems like it. All I'm really missing is a purpose. But maybe that's just cuz everything else is in the right place. I don't want to go back to McGill. It feels fake and useless of a universe. I much prefer being surrounded with people who actually do real stuff. I might offend some people here, but I'm tired of all the uselessness. The futility of learning stuff, regurgitating it, going out, the prissy upper scale people boozing and always going out. The she devils and the preppy buff boys. They're so unreal, escaping their unease in another way.
Still, to the general public, I guess I would also be considered a she devil. White chick, food concious (but at least concious of the problem), money spending, parent relying (though I try not to). Like I said a few weeks ago, I feel like one of those sheltered kids trying to live the "real life"... Cuz let's face it, what wasn't sheltered about my life: did I not have both of my parents? did I not always have all I needed?
The only things I can think about that are slightly off were self induced.
So I am just a sheltered kid pretending to be real. I'm just as hypocritical and repulsive as all the people I criticize.
I learned from last summer that the taste in music reflects well the difference between groups of people. I still learn about it today.
the whole rock/emo/folk, the music with the guitars (acoustic or guitar), drums etc, is always full of self deprication, themes that involve the individual, and sometimes slight references to the rest of the world. But mainly, it includes the individual's feeling of unease and contempt.
Unaccompanied music lyrics always refer to the angst of the group of people. It's not as self centered.
All my favorite songs refer to mental, self induced terror. Only recently can I understand the other kind; the injustice of the masses. No, I will never experience it in it's full extent. There's nothing remarkable about me... well maybe if I go somewhere else, where I look like the outcast. But still, whether it be in the grayhound bus, where I'm the only caucasion onboard, or being mistaken for the manager cuz I'm the only white person behind the counter (true story), or simply being accused of racism because nobody was at the cash register to ring somebody up, it all opens your eyes to what is so wrong about everything.
Another thing is the difference in price between food. The produce and real food is all overpriced. Ever walk into a DC fast food restaurant? What a surprise.

As always, I've lost track of all I was saying and am totally unsure of how this thing means anything or if anybody has the patience of reading and agreeing or if they just think that I'm going through one of my uncalled for rants that I never do anything about.

But still, right at this moment, I would just want to be on a beach, totally alone, with music and a notebook. To ponder. And ponder some more. I'm a constant blunder of things, always boiling up, unable to get out. I'm agog for what stands before me, know that my quest is not finished.
I expect to stay crazy, unfulfilled, and slightly sociably unacceptable for a few years. My time to settle down and take part successfully in the world hasn't come just yet... I'm still just an anguished teenager a little overdue.


At July 28, 2006 7:22 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't know how often you check this or if you'll even know who this is... but reading your blogs is the only way I find of keeping up with you and whats going through your mind since we never really talk anymore.
"I expect to stay crazy, unfulfilled, and slightly sociably unacceptable for a few years. My time to settle down and take part successfully in the world hasn't come just yet... I'm still just an anguished teenager a little overdue."- You've alwats been goofy crazy, but so have I, and so have been half the girlfriends we hung out with in highschool. I haven't said anything for a while because I don't know how to address it. But watching you throw so much dirt at your own face, confusing yourself even more, and blaming stuff on yourself that has nothing to do with you, is alot to just sit by and watch you do. Yes you had guys f*** you over, more than one. So have we all. Granted we all respond and deal with it in our own way and yours unfortunately was a much tougher, and self-deteriorating way- a way I will never be able to share with you, or say "I know how you feel" to... and for that I'm sorry. I'm sorry I couldn't be that person you needed, the best friend that you needed our junior year; you made it clear that we just couldn't handle eachother then and I'm sorry I didn't know how to help you. Senior things semi went back to normal, but then I find out it's all a lie- you weren't ok. And how do I handle that? My bf is not ok and I don't even notice? What kind of friend is that? Now I feel we've lost complete touch, I don't know what level to relate on with you anymore because I feel like you're losing your grip. I'm sitting here reading your blogs to find out how you're doing and all I read is how you're going to be miss cat lady, and how the music you listen to is all about loneliness- you were the gorgeous, popular, fun, and funny girl in 10th grade- you never lost any of that Helene. Everyone loved you. I know that certain things happened in the love area that throw 16 yr. olds for a twist, but you're still that person. you're NOT crazy, you're not going to end up alone, u will have little helenes running around after the millions of guinea pigs you will be raising, and you're not misplaced in this world... I don't know what else to tell you, other than I miss our friendship, I know we're "friends" but I feel like you stick real close to alio because the two of you are quirkier than some, or so you feel about her. I think 4 yrs ago, junior year, you established that I had changed and then for some reason I would judge you or whatever... god I never had a serious bf until college- I was always the "friend of the hot girls" and I wouldn't let the guys down my pants. I'm still that way, I over analyze, create drama, have panic attacks, and make rash decisions, and second guess many of my decisions, I cry, laugh, fight, yell, and have a great time. I can't just sit here and let you tell yourself and whoever will listen that you are such a lonely girl with no purpose in life who's been misplaced and will be forever a loner. Let go of the past. I know it's scary at times, but two years ago you graduated with high honors, you are one smart cookie who will go on to do many important things and be very important to someone (although you already are to a group of people)... I don't know what else to tell you, other than I'm sorry you think we have nothing in common. I feel like you don't want to hang out with me anymore and that you just don't value me anymore. I'm not trying to make this all about me at this point, and maybe we did grow apart and things won't ever be the way they were back then, but still, you're a great girl. You have people who love you and no reason to hate yourself. You're not a rich spoiled brat who makes poor people look like shit. You're not racist, you aren't out to get people, and those who are less fortunate don't look at you with hatred. You are an animal lover, and as far as I'm concerned you were excited as all hell to have gotten this internship- granted your slightly lonely and it's time to come home- but dear god embrace the experience and the people you meet. Don't look back on the people, places, and experiences from highschool middle school and grade school with some negative image. We had fun- those were the learning years, we all messed up, but we all picked ourselves back up to try again. Just give yourself that fair chance... to actually live happy... please. I there's nothing else that I can do for you, at least I will have said my peace. It's been so long since I've wanted to say all this, but simply never saw the right moment or found the right words. Now it's simply coming out. I'm not lecturing and I sure as hell am not judging. I'm trying to pull what's left of our friendship and use it for what it's worth, to see if any of it can make some sort of difference, or if anything, make you smile. I love you hun, I realize times have been hard, but at least give yourself the opportunity to find your way out of've been way too important in my life for me to just let you go without a fight... if you're looking for people you know or knew to give up on you, you're fighting a battle you cannot win... think about it.


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