Monday, October 31, 2005

small things....

Small things make my day, like the fact that Blink 182 is bringin out a greatist hits album, or that nick played with daisy. Or that it was sunny. Or that I was petty with a certain person (jackass). Or that Disney plays on the "movie songs" aol radio channel.
Small things ruin my day, like the fact that it's dark at 430, or that i have a blister on my "palais" because I took a bite of my dinner when it was still scalding hot. Or that it's halloween and i'm not doin anything... first time in 19 yrs.

Some things make days lovely, like text msgs from sophie, or a cuddley daisy.
Other things make days a little worse: apparently I'm easily replacable and ppl love to tell me so.

And then there is what makes the near future awesome: b/c of all the work, it'll be time to go see mommy and sopie and dad soon.
and then things that make me regret the future (OXYMORON!!!!): b/c of all the work im gonna be more tired and busy than ever.

And then there's all the rest. those fundamental questions that make the future wonderful yet the most apprehensive thing ever: are things gonna get better or worse? Is there gonna be something for me out there?

"Death is not the greatest loss in life. The greatest loss is what dies inside us while we live." Norman Cousins

"If you live your life in the past, you waste the life you have to live." Jessica Cress

"When I hear somebody sigh, 'Life is hard', I am always tempted to ask, 'Compared to what?'" Sydney J. Harris.

Thursday, October 27, 2005

poo, and furthermore poop.

Well, winter's here. The brisk wind, that dries out your skin. The tip of my nose bright red, as well as my cheeks. And i still don't have shoes. My new tactic for teh wind is to wear to sweaters... it's workin mildly well. but my goal is to get both of those things tonight.
I've been on an unofficial vacation since tuesday evening.
The wonders of sleep. Unfortunately, im iin a freakin seasonal change sleep pattern... damn SAD! I need to get one of those awesome lights that reproduce sunlight so i can actually not feel these stupid effects...
ES-CAP-ADE this w/e (in the words of Janet Jackson.... Runaway was the best album ever!). I wonder what it's gonna end up as... i think it shall be good. long car hrs, possible grumpiness... lovely, lovely.
im tired.
im gonna get some more caffeine, tho it has no effect....
i don't like SAD at all.

not at all.

Thursday, October 20, 2005


Anybody attending McGill will ahve heard about the degrading, ass probing hazing that happened in the Redman Football team. It was overpublicized, not everybody gives a damn bout what's going up some freshie football player's asstract (most likely could happen in the showers neway). Sure, it's v appalling, that "in a university such as ours, acts of such barbaric nature should occur! Yet, are we any more special/more educated than others? i seriously wonder most of the times. I've known college students to do stupid things, as slit their knees open on hills while sledding on caf trays, stickin apple down toilets, throwing tomato sauces on walls... we do stupid things, and we have the excuse of being in college if that makes any sense whatsoever.
Back to the hazing: the sanction is to suspend the entire football team; ie they will be kept from attending any more of the season's games. PUNISHMENT!
or is it? lets look at this another way. here are the scores of the mcgill football team since the beginning of the term: Lost 25-33 against concordia (THE HORROR THE HUMILIATION!!!), Lost 7-57 (RDS) against laval (ouch), Lost 5-46 againt UdMontreal (ouch once more), WON 45-16 against St. Francis Xavier (who?), Lost 34-42 against Sherbrooke (oops), Lost 4-27 against Bishop's (oops bis).
Recapitualtion, one victory against an unknown opponant, 3 bitter bitter defeats, 1 humiliating one, and one in the norms (ish)

i think there's a conspiracy: they concocted this "punishment" so they could build the million dollar football team. they have a whole season to become respectable: no blows to their egos cuz of the losses and just a continuous training camp. They'll come back with decent players who can actually... play? or at least make their respective talents useful as a TEAM. (do i know what im talkin bout ? no. never went to a football game lol. im just being a horrible critic.)
We've been disgraced by the actions of our teams outside the field not on. THANK GOD!
Enough of that.

Now, Daisy is the biggest wuss i've ever seen: now everytime that cookie is out of her cage as the same time as here she darts to the other side of the room, and plugs her head into something.

Cool fact: if there's another hurricane this season, it's name shall be alpha b/c they have no more letters in the alphabet... that will b the first time. History in action here!

Well I should be off to studyin/writing. I do have 2 more midterms.
and tonight, i shall pretend im superior to the kids takin the bio200 midterm. happy happy joy!

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Dull gray look.

I'm sitting in front of this computer quite pointlessly.
I really should be sleeping.
Instead, I d/l tons of songs (france gall, jacques dutronc, edith piaf, starmania... having a france/mother/family craving), cuz today i got squishy. and my i do love squishy.
I've also learned that tough daisy, is but a little scardycat/softee. Cookie attacked, and daisy went runnin, and then spent 15 mins in my arms squealing in a pained way.
i made chouxfleur a la bechamel. je me felicite, ce fut une reussite. Mere, tu aurais ete fiere de moi. Et ma soupe aux boulettes de porc, smack!
it's dreary. and i realize i still have no proper shoes.. should get a cracking...
ok im done. ill get back to test, and then figure it out.

Friday, October 14, 2005

absolutely positively horrified.

Ppl who kno me well enough can testify: i,in no way, am shocked by death in nature. Quite the contrary, my outbursts followin a natural death (redundant?) include, but are not limited to: "coooooool", "woooooooooooah", "didya see that!?"
A male lion eating cubs of other brooding, v good example of kinship fitness. An antelope getting eaten by a cheetah, eh, everybody's gotta eat. Dead lizard/bumblebee on the sidewalk, let's dissect it! ill stop now.
So, when last night i was completely appalled by the prominent death in penguin movie, "La Marche de l'Empereur", it means something. Chronological list of events:
1. Any penguin who was late for teh caravane --> BAM dead on the "banquise", frozen/eaten by a polar bear/lost most likely..
2. Egg that wasn't transfered to one parent to another properly --> crack, frozen over. awesome embryo to dissect.
3. Mother getten eaten by a predator --> not just simple death, they make it all dramatic, showing you all the ones getting away, and then , bam! she gets pulled back in the water.
4. Baby dying of hunger b/c born too early --> couic, well that was short.
5. Baby dying of hunger b/c mother doesnt come back --> well she's either dead or late, and if she's late, father will just leave scuz hes gotta eat. and well youll freeze to death.
6. Freak snowstorm --> for some reason, baby freezes to death once again...
7. Dad doesn't show up (see 5)
8. Freak gull like bird comes to attack; not only does he attaack, but traumatizes the poor chicks, and the commentary is :"c'est fini pour lui, il ne verra jamais la mer".

So basically from a pseudo feel good movie, i was absolutely devastated and unwilling to become a penguin. Cuz i would have before... but not anymore man. rough life... you die all the time.

Apart from that, lifes rockin. pigs eat too much, rain is hell, and my birthday has been on a role for almost a week now.... have gotten bday cards/presents since last saturday....

life's pretty good when you're not a penguin.

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

monkey time!

dwarf lemurs

Squirrel Monkey

mouse lemur

ruffed lemur
I'm in love with lemurs.
And Mark Hoppus. I rediscoverd him last night.... he has his own podcast :-D

I'm 19 and procrastinating.

I crossed an important step this weekend: had a 19th birthday, and even better, a decent birthday (apart from the fact that I didn't leave my room until 130 and that 30,000 ppl died that day, if not more).
Yes, so birthday was filled with reading, balloon buyin, present buyin and uh.... eating. yes, that is a good summary. and laughin. and visiting v entertainin, really.
So got some cool balloons, with piggies and horses and all those awesome animals on them... unfortunately, by this time many are deceased.
Then we got lots of food: lapin a la biere, mashed potatose, chili, squash/apples, store cake, zucchini brownies, byron's interesting-yet-very-refreshing-and-intriguing ambrosia, and ariana's apple desert (we have not yet found a name for it). so v filling. beuh. too full ::::) <-- spider smiley face :). brian was a woot again, leading to the creation of the "
I Don't Know About Texas...But Brian Gonynor Is Refreshing, Gratifying And Full Of Mirth". "I bet Paris Hilton's vagina is acidic". Long live B-gonny.
Sunday, i was a total mess.... so so tired. lots of mini naps, and then a nice s
tudy station, with tea music and guinea pigs :).
ANd now... am procratinating the last two things to be done....
very intersting fact: ihave enlarged my guinea pig community to two. Cookie is a cute lil 2 yr old gp whom i cut the nails at the spca on friday nite, and hten brought home on saturday cuz i pitied her.
However, God/superior being/the spaghetti monster/thetan/Joseph Smith has decided to punish me: Daisy and Cookie refuse to get along. the dynamics are the following: daisy comes around purring like a madwoman (which she is). silence ensues, and then cookie starts chattering her teeth, followed by daisykins. Then there is hissing, teethbaring, and squabbling. I have a dead hand from seperating them.
whos the problem? daisykins or big girl cookie?
the adventure continues.

Thursday, October 06, 2005

madison! i need a name...

i am feelin very giddy and i have nothing to say. ppl are shocked by my hair or like it...
commetns i've gotten: "OMG" "NOOOOOOOOON" "you're a redhead... what the f?"
or they pretend to like it
comments: "your hair is amazing"
to not make me angry...
cuz apparently i look angrier with it...
comment: "you look angrier"
oh just in, "helen bovy, you can't wear your normal clothes with that orange hair. you need a leather jacket and some chains. and a cigarette dangling out of your mouth at all times."

i cleaned the whole downstairs downstairs.and gave up before i got upstairs.. too hot...

im 19 soon. oh my.
That's old.

... enter the pumpkin princess.

End of this will be a grand surprise... however not to ruin it, you'll have to read alllllll the way through.
Lundi etait une veritable journee de folie. Bcp d petites courses, dt une bataille merveilleuse ac la banque.
ms tt ki est bien fini bien.
Alors, otrement, petit enervement contre la SPCA: pr adopter chiens et chats, il faut remplir des tonnes d formulaires, verifier k les gens ne st ni des batteurs/violeurs de chiens, etc etc... pr les autres animaux, basta.
Et personne ne les regarde, ou les adoptent, dc couic!
je vais dc essayer d lancer une campagne d'adoptage de petits animaux (type rongueurs, oiseaux) o lieu des chiens et des chats a mcgill... come on, be intelligent! little animal, fast heart, short life. bigger animal, bigger slower heart, longer life... college=short life.
Even art kids should b able to ddo the math (low low burn).
Saw Charlie and the Chocolate Factory on an Imax screen. LETSBOOGIE!i enjoy the squirrels and creepy johnny depp entirely too much.
I also find way too many things funny in those movies. I realized taht I have a thing for macabre/awkward artists.... Philip LArkin, Tim Burton, Danny Elfman, johnny Depp, Brian Molko.... im sure i could find others, more significant ones if i thought of it.
Tuesday I walked out of a class cuz it was entirely too uninteresting.. il se repetait tt le tps, et jamie et moi avons decroche (bon plus moi, hes a good kid haha), et je suis partie travailler independement ds la bib.
Ds l'aprem je me suis affichee dvt mon adorable ta (i really do have a ting for sweet little geeks), pq 20 mins avt d rendre le truc, je n'arrivais pas a trouver la bonne reponse... il se trouve ke jutilisais la mauvaise equation... stupide littel me :)
jai arrange un merveilleux diner d'anniv ac 10 amis :). au menu: ragout de lapin et je sais pas encore.... nest ce pas merveilleux. le plus drole c k nick et keith risque d ne pas etre la...
Autre: im gonna have an ipod nano! his name will be Squishy... present to myself for my birthdya (no its not lame!)
This afternnon,
was bored after antcleansing the kitchen (AGAIN) --> went on a shoppin spree at the dollar store to create a more hygenic kitchen; spoon holder, sponges, metallic sponge, placemats... and then i died my hair.
So yes, i have for a v temporary moment, fiery red hair. As kelso would say, "you're on fire". or sid, "from now on, refer to me as lord of the flames". or myself, "krista, krista, fire, fire."
I am presently gonna do something fun... cuz thats what i like to do.
First see how brian and his laundry are doing, and then ... mayb watch a movie.
Good nite, i promise more entertainment shortly....
W/E gonna be rockin.... library all the way!

Saturday, October 01, 2005

This goes out to all those trying to cramp my style!

Reasons I am a good person:
- I am volunteering at the SPCA Saturday mornings;
- I was volunteering to watch kids for the SPCA at "Run for the Cure" [until they refused my offer]. What this has to do with animals? No idea. Ecclectic. Random. Enjoyable. Painful;
- "I think that I have the qualities necessary ft for the Reasearch Assistant, and most importantly the motivation to exploit to the maximum my cultural background." ;
- I waited 2 hours at the bank for them to tell me that I actually was not victim to fraud. Actually, according to them, I am the perpetrator...
- I purhased an enormous birthday card for an oncle and a cousin whom I appreciate, as well as for one whom I partially dislike.
- I am allowing a French citizen to "faire un sejour linguistique" here in Quebec...
- I buy my sister presents even though my birthday is next week.
Footnotes to these statements:
1 "good" includes responsable and active citizen.
2 I am seeking a job simply for the money that it will provide me with
3 The French citizen refers to the furry beast up there... no name cutie [but it shall most likely become checkers].

Reasons I am a bad person:
- I procastinate (to do other work, so it is not as bad)
- Daisy needs to have her cage cleaned [task accomplished]
- Dishes are accumulating in my room again.

Interesting fact: I actually found a pair of boots that were nice, flat, and most importantly, did not make my feet look like fins. Also, I am way to indecisive; I went to the cash register to buy a coat, and then, as he was going to ring it up, I cowarded out. So I am back to hoping that a couple of sweaters will do the trick.

Metric ruled last night. Energetic, nice moshing, protecting friends (oh, another point for the good samaritan status), and a nice mixed set list (though two songs I really wanted to hear were not preformed).

Pour tous mes francophones [je dois aussi ecrire proprement pour faire plaisir aux gens qui ne savent pas avancer avec leur temps et abbreviations et argot...], un guide aux McGillans va bientot etre produit par moi-meme. J'espere que ca vous donnera un point de vue horriblement stereotype et satirique sur les gens que je cotoie tous les jours sur ce merveilleux campus Montrealais.
Quoi d'autre? la journee m'attend, "Auf Wiedersehen!"

P.S. On an overall scale, I would give myself a "relatively good person with a hell of an evil streak"