Friday, October 14, 2005

absolutely positively horrified.

Ppl who kno me well enough can testify: i,in no way, am shocked by death in nature. Quite the contrary, my outbursts followin a natural death (redundant?) include, but are not limited to: "coooooool", "woooooooooooah", "didya see that!?"
A male lion eating cubs of other brooding, v good example of kinship fitness. An antelope getting eaten by a cheetah, eh, everybody's gotta eat. Dead lizard/bumblebee on the sidewalk, let's dissect it! ill stop now.
So, when last night i was completely appalled by the prominent death in penguin movie, "La Marche de l'Empereur", it means something. Chronological list of events:
1. Any penguin who was late for teh caravane --> BAM dead on the "banquise", frozen/eaten by a polar bear/lost most likely..
2. Egg that wasn't transfered to one parent to another properly --> crack, frozen over. awesome embryo to dissect.
3. Mother getten eaten by a predator --> not just simple death, they make it all dramatic, showing you all the ones getting away, and then , bam! she gets pulled back in the water.
4. Baby dying of hunger b/c born too early --> couic, well that was short.
5. Baby dying of hunger b/c mother doesnt come back --> well she's either dead or late, and if she's late, father will just leave scuz hes gotta eat. and well youll freeze to death.
6. Freak snowstorm --> for some reason, baby freezes to death once again...
7. Dad doesn't show up (see 5)
8. Freak gull like bird comes to attack; not only does he attaack, but traumatizes the poor chicks, and the commentary is :"c'est fini pour lui, il ne verra jamais la mer".

So basically from a pseudo feel good movie, i was absolutely devastated and unwilling to become a penguin. Cuz i would have before... but not anymore man. rough life... you die all the time.

Apart from that, lifes rockin. pigs eat too much, rain is hell, and my birthday has been on a role for almost a week now.... have gotten bday cards/presents since last saturday....

life's pretty good when you're not a penguin.


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