absolutely positively horrified.

Ppl who kno me well enough can testify: i,in no way, am shocked by death in nature. Quite the contrary, my outbursts followin a natural death (redundant?) include, but are not limited to: "coooooool", "woooooooooooah", "didya see that!?"
A male lion eating cubs of other brooding, v good example of kinship fitness. An antelope getting eaten by a cheetah, eh, everybody's gotta eat. Dead lizard/bumblebee on the sidewalk, let's dissect it! ill stop now.
So, when last night i was completely appalled by the prominent death in penguin movie, "La Marche de l'Empereur", it means something. Chronological list of events:
1. Any penguin who was late for teh caravane --> BAM dead on the "banquise", frozen/eaten by a polar bear/lost most likely..
2. Egg that wasn't transfered to one parent to another properly --> crack, frozen over. awesome embryo to dissect.
3. Mother getten eaten by a predator --> not just simple death, they make it all dramatic, showing you all the ones getting away, and then , bam! she gets pulled back in the water.
4. Baby dying of hunger b/c born too early --> couic, well that was short.
5. Baby dying of hunger b/c mother doesnt come back --> well she's either dead or late, and if she's late, father will just leave scuz hes gotta eat. and well youll freeze to death.
6. Freak snowstorm --> for some reason, baby freezes to death once again...
7. Dad doesn't show up (see 5)
8. Freak gull like bird comes to attack; not only does he attaack, but traumatizes the poor chicks, and the commentary is :"c'est fini pour lui, il ne verra jamais la mer".

Apart from that, lifes rockin. pigs eat too much, rain is hell, and my birthday has been on a role for almost a week now.... have gotten bday cards/presents since last saturday....
life's pretty good when you're not a penguin.
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