Saturday, October 01, 2005

This goes out to all those trying to cramp my style!

Reasons I am a good person:
- I am volunteering at the SPCA Saturday mornings;
- I was volunteering to watch kids for the SPCA at "Run for the Cure" [until they refused my offer]. What this has to do with animals? No idea. Ecclectic. Random. Enjoyable. Painful;
- "I think that I have the qualities necessary ft for the Reasearch Assistant, and most importantly the motivation to exploit to the maximum my cultural background." ;
- I waited 2 hours at the bank for them to tell me that I actually was not victim to fraud. Actually, according to them, I am the perpetrator...
- I purhased an enormous birthday card for an oncle and a cousin whom I appreciate, as well as for one whom I partially dislike.
- I am allowing a French citizen to "faire un sejour linguistique" here in Quebec...
- I buy my sister presents even though my birthday is next week.
Footnotes to these statements:
1 "good" includes responsable and active citizen.
2 I am seeking a job simply for the money that it will provide me with
3 The French citizen refers to the furry beast up there... no name cutie [but it shall most likely become checkers].

Reasons I am a bad person:
- I procastinate (to do other work, so it is not as bad)
- Daisy needs to have her cage cleaned [task accomplished]
- Dishes are accumulating in my room again.

Interesting fact: I actually found a pair of boots that were nice, flat, and most importantly, did not make my feet look like fins. Also, I am way to indecisive; I went to the cash register to buy a coat, and then, as he was going to ring it up, I cowarded out. So I am back to hoping that a couple of sweaters will do the trick.

Metric ruled last night. Energetic, nice moshing, protecting friends (oh, another point for the good samaritan status), and a nice mixed set list (though two songs I really wanted to hear were not preformed).

Pour tous mes francophones [je dois aussi ecrire proprement pour faire plaisir aux gens qui ne savent pas avancer avec leur temps et abbreviations et argot...], un guide aux McGillans va bientot etre produit par moi-meme. J'espere que ca vous donnera un point de vue horriblement stereotype et satirique sur les gens que je cotoie tous les jours sur ce merveilleux campus Montrealais.
Quoi d'autre? la journee m'attend, "Auf Wiedersehen!"

P.S. On an overall scale, I would give myself a "relatively good person with a hell of an evil streak"


At October 02, 2005 4:12 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

That was indeed quite legible.



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