Thursday, December 15, 2005

Even the piggies like the holidays.

So adventure of the daaaaaaay! Brian and I wnet to discover the high plateau, where all the snobby artsy people live.
I know exactly where I will go when I have money, for food, haircuts, and all the interesting stuff. and perhaps I'll be able to do so next term, when i get a job. YES a job! lovely word!

Adventure part 2: after walkin back to a more familiar part, we reached a quincallerie about 2 blocks from here, not only did they have the sandpaper and the silicon [note: i would never ever put that in my boobs... see following part], but also the window. oh how ppl looked at me as i was walkin home with a 97x60 cm glass rectangle.

Adventure part 3: sanded the door, all so wonderfully soft, and my hands all so raggedy. keith comes home and we attack the door and window with the silicon. Now both of us think they should make better instructions to open those things. "cut the nozzle to desired width. puncture the seal." sure we'll do that...but what seal and how? no part comes off!
so we improvised, opening the other end, and using a knife to plaster it on. a little messy but what geniu-i are we????
and then we had to clean our hands with solvent... what solvent?
so we improvised: perfume, listerine, ... grand marinier.... muahahhahahha.

I'm sure I had something else to say, mayb it will come later.

Saturday, December 10, 2005


August 2nd, 2005: An airplane skids and falls in a ditch as it's landing in toronto. It's an airfrance flight.
August 6th, 2005: A Tunisian airplane crashes into the ocean; 14 ppl die.
August 10th, 2005: 14 die as a helicopter crashes in the bay of Finland.
August 14th, 2005: A greek plane crashes near Athens with 121 people on board. No survivors.
August 16th, 2005: A Carribean plane crashes with 160 on board, in a remote place of the Venezualian Andes.
August 23rd, 2005: A plane goes down in Peru with more than 100 people on board.

Why did I list these? They were a count down to my flight August 23rd.
And innumerable links: Toronto [I fly to Canada], Airfrance [I fly Airfrance], greek [three of my good friends are either greek or born there], the carribean plane[they were almost all martiniquais... thus french, and i love martinique], Peru [lots of friends who are south american].

Seems as a new countdown's occuring:
December 6th, 2005: An iranian military plane crashes in a appartment building, killing 34 people in it as well as the passengers of the plane.
December 7th, 2005: A man gets fatally shot on the runway in Miami by an air marshall after he allegedely said he had a bomb. He was bipolar.
December 8th, 2005: A 6 yr old kid dies, as a plane skids off the Chicago runway, crushing 2 cars.
December 10th, 2005: 103 passangers, mainly schoolchildren going home for the holidays, die in Nigeria when a plane crahses shortly after take off.

Need I say more?

Wednesday, December 07, 2005

The Post-Exam Drama at McGill

"It's the type of course I took instead of a worse course hoping I would do well (as I heard reviews about it from other students who had taken it last year) but will surely not remember anything I learned 3 months from now. I don't see what statistics will do me in med school (IF I get in, considering I was working hard to get all As this semester and I got my ambition shattered by this exam).What I am saying is that many of the students are not going into research in the future. Thus a lot of preparation should be required." Sorry, but if there are no researchers, there are no doctors....

"So much for med school... To think that I will never have to use statistics in my life and have my GPA ruined by a course I had to take..." ok so here we have two potential docs who dont think they will ever see stats again. not in publications, surveys, let alone worker unions and well graphs and stuff for the patient's dossier. humdeedum.

"Not one person left my room before time was up. How could he make the exact same mistake AGAIN." So apparently, I'm a ghost. I was gone before the end at the midterm and the final.

"i needed a good mark so taht i can get into the grad school program and actually have a career, which is now ruined for me." Um, I'm not sure one small little grade out of... 40 is going to keep you from having a career.

Yes. these are all reactions of my fellow students about a biometry exam that wasn't easy but that was in no way impossible to do, and I doubt they are all gonna get 50's or below.
This is also one of the reason's i got out of biology: they expect that everybody wants to be a doctor, they memorize and spew out all their info but aren't actually interested in any of it. I don't even call that ambition anymore. It's quite pathetic.

Second rant: the lady who takes care of the condo. I call her after my landlord gave me her number and told me to call. Well actually I sent her an email first, but siince no answer, and i was freezin my tush off, I called her.
I politely presented myself and asked who I should address to fix it. first thing she asks is why i'm callin [didn't i just tell you?i can't feel my body in my room], saying she doesn't want to have to deal with tenants, but only the owners.
NExt she goes on bout how shed doesnt understand how i could break my window without having been a filthy, raging, drunken ape (no offense jamie). So i tell her my door is a little tough because it swelled with the humidity. "BS" she vocifers! she knows that my door has been fixed for teh past few weeks. I try to nicely explain that it was not completely smooth b/c if he had sanded it more, when it dries (and shrinks) it will be too small for the door. No, she doesnt want to hear it, interrupting me continuously, sounding annoyed and responding curtly and condescendingly.
She then ends with a, " I don't see how this is my problem. It's your fault, but I'll send someone over to see and will send you the bill."

Yeah, so nice. So my day was filled with entertainin remarks by useless bio students, and a humiliation by "mme jolicoeur" (oh the irony!!!!)

Bow and good night.

Tuesday, December 06, 2005


My brain is halfway throu being fried. Yes I am 1h20 minutes away from exam number too of this wonderful St. Nick day.
So this mornign evolution, thank god that the questions were often the ones that jamie and I were doin so enthusiastically last night on msn. I even gotta put some controversial views... it's all relative!
now biometry, unfortunately im a bit more worried about. I mean I didnt follow a lot of the last few things we did, and well. blah.
But then again the midterm went well, so i dont see why this shouldnt. and i think i finally got those mini points i was uhhhhhh... about.
tonight, i take the night off. in my fridge, aka my room. will lounge, allow my brain to reconstruct itself.
Even tho i think i should have fun in biometry, I've always liked math test (unless I haven't selpt enough and have no idea... then i get 7's.... my worst grade ever in math.... seems awkward.)
so yes. I BELIEVE.
Theme music for evolution: my chemical romance.
Theme music for biometry: France Gall.

i think im done, tho I might wanna continue muahahhahah.
tata kiddos.

Sunday, December 04, 2005

What a lucky lucky girl I am

Here's the thing: when i was 7, I broke a mirror. And well, you can consider I had bad luck. Then, a couple months before my 14th birthday, right when I thought I was getting near the end of the bad luck spell, well, I broke another mirror.
Maybe I'm just clumsy, which I am, both in action and in word, basicallly at life, but I also think something is out to get me.
So yes, I am cursed until my 20th birthday.
And here's proof:
A day and a half before my 2 exam dya, I am inexplicably tired even with 9 hr of sleep. Also, my window breaks, and I remind you that I live in Montreal, where -5 is still a relatively warm temperature. I still am not sure what's happening wiht my piggies, and last, but not least, ppl seem to think I'm petty and junior high school mentality.
Yes, I'm childish. Yes, I'm still holding a grudge against somebody (for about ..... 8 months now), but I am also a 30 yr old woman in a stressful and questionable world.

So I blame this on It. Whatever It is. But It is. Cuz the universe has gotta be in something, I mean really.

Friday, December 02, 2005

enjoy, and thank andrew hendry for it :)