Monday, January 30, 2006

tired=overthink=philosophical me

I like being in somewhat of a daze. it's an altered state of happiness in a way.
id like to parallel montreal weather with moods recently. It's undecided: snow/rain/sun/ice/rain/sun/snnnnow....

My streak of revelations continues. feeligns of disgust twds yourself and an individual (b/c of the individual) is a fonction asymptotique (i will submit a graph tonight). But it's only applicable once you start giving up some trust. which for some people isn't easy. and once that trust is betrayed, it takes some superhuman efforts and will to regain it, for any human being.
Everybody has their own way with dealing with these kind of things. There are rebounds, depression, fact social life, too much work, but ultimately it comes back to same thing: trying to forget teh question taht haunts WHY.

Second revelation: times have changed. we are subject to more things, want more things, are never satisfied with what we have. it's relatively easy to try and forget your past, put it all behoind you. but theres no challenge in that. it's much more gratifying to use our power of change than our power to start over. mistakes happen.

third: in teh same vein as teh precedent. with moving around and wanting to find more stuff, we stop acknowledging what we do have. and then have to come to terms with realizing that we might have lost it, at least until you decide to settle again. i mean how are you spossed to maintain healthy/strong relationships if you move ever couple of yrs, especially if there's no home base.
Once again it's all a question of will, and strength of heart.

to class.


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