Saturday, November 19, 2005

Harry Potter and the Goblet of Ice Cream

Oh me oh my. For once I say: good job on the movie!
I'm still as horrified by the way they made the third one: cutting out important scenes, emphasizing episodes that had no need to be emphasized, makin the end overwhelmingly long, letting the director's "creative streak" overrun J.K.Rowling's.
Without ruinin the movie, here are things that they did well in this one: reduced the plot to something possible, without omitting important, making fred and george funny (FINALLY), casting characters who looked like what they should-ish... better than usual at least :). Making it funny. Before Ron was the funny one. now there's more.
OK, dumbledore is a little out of sync, and harry's still a horrible actor (really).
But I'm far happier than when i saw any of the other ones :-D.

"Harry, things are going to change now, aren't they?" [puts his hand on hermione's shoulder] "...Yes".
Oh memorable line!

Now VerMonster: 20 scoops of icecream, caramel, chocolate, sprinkles, mnms, whipped cream, 2 cookies, 2 brownies. PHEW! we couldn't finish it with 7 people. We all did very well tho. VERY!
and now i have the awesome pot. just have to fiind out what to do with it...

Now, yesterday, I went all out in shopping. Until I realized it's not xmas yet. The lights might be up, the snow might be falling, but it's still november... and i still have to go through exams. So i'll stop.

cleaning my room is up on the schedule. and then the gym... and then foolishness. The last time til december 9th... sigh.


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