Sunday, September 25, 2005

"what's it called?

I'm gonna be doin something i really shouldn't... dissing someone b/c of their incompetance to act in a concert setting...
i've already bitched bout the girls who leave their long hair down, then act surprised and annoyed when ppl get their fingers tangled in their previously-well-groomed-and-brushed-now-sweaty-and-hay-like-coiff.
and then about inappropriate attire: mini skirts, sandals, high heels...
and now: no knowlege of proper concert lexicon.
the list with the songs is called the setlist lttle ones... not "that" or the "songlist"... no no.
now, im sittin here, with tea, and a mint oreo, talkin to byron,who i abandonned 10 mins ago, to write meaningless things.
mon rhume s'est finalemetn presk termine...
la semaine etait un veritable "blur". dormir, tousser, eternuer, trembler, re-dormir, manger que des choses liquides.
Question existentielle: pourquoi est c k je mange k d choses liquides qd je suis malade???
ma chambre est denv tres rangee et tres belle... tootin my own horn here.
g un mur marilyn monroe, un mur "geeky", etc...
oo film: "a history of violence" funny. odd. not spossed to be funny. dont pay for it.
ooo otre question existentielle: comment c fait il k tt le monde ne veuille pas travailler en mm temps? ojoudhui (ou hier comme vs voulez), vers 5 hr, tt le monde k je connais, etait soit sur msn soit sur aim, procrastinating...
personne ne veut travialler les samedis aprem, qd il est trop tard pr faire qqch de productif, ms trop tot pr se preparer pr sortir/faire qqch de relaxant...
koi dotre? je dois apprendre certains # de tph par coeur... je connais meme pas le cell d nick, et je vis ac lui....
bon i leave you on these two notes: naps are better when shared and sleep is necessary when screens start to spin....


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