Monday, September 05, 2005

today i have officially become special

ok ok, fineeeeee. tis lame to write twice a day (tho it is officially monday).
but, but. i start at 430 this afternoon.
en sortant d chez moi pr aller o concert, dja tt commenca merveilleusement bien: un ecureuil me fait rire en sortant dune poubelle ac un sac en papier ds sa bouche....
dc apres, metro et arrive sur lile ste.helene (serait-c un signe...), pr trouver une file de... quasi un km de long. et je nexagere pt.
thats the little speck in this beautiful story. so there i am, waitin and waitin, all awone. i even miss half of antiflag :(.
but then, jimmy eat world. good ol jimmy eat world!!! once again they were magical and perfect and intense. i was also one of the only ones who apparently knew them well. i sang along like a mad woman (those who have come with me to a concert know what im talking bout).beautiful songs, all of which i love.
then entered green day, pr un show (comme ki dirait les quebecois cheris) ms e-blou-is-sant (oooo lammmmmmmme helen). ac feux, feux dartifice, des effets d lumiere.... everything!
des vielles chansons, des nvlles chansons, des chansons dotre chanteurs (we are the champions, shout entre otres). plein d blagues, de vulgarite, how wonderful.
funny thing: at one pt, la ronde commenca a faire son propre feux dartifice, so billy joe stops in the middle of the song, stares at it and goes, "shut UPPPP''. alalala, good times good times.
last song, (as i predicted) was good riddance, and i could swear he had tears in his eyes.
oh yes, et a un moment, ils invitent 3 personnes du crowd a venir jouer a leur place: un garcon est dc monter a la batterie, un a la basse, et puis une fille a la guitare. twas quite cool, ms le plus cool est kelle a pu garder la guitare.
suuuuure, i should b jealous right? but my tale art not finished. they are done, everybody is pushin to get out, ms moi je mapproche du stage comme a mon habitude. tt le monde regarde les roadies en train de ranger le plus vite possible les affaires. comme dhab, je crie "do you have nething left from either of teh three bands???" comme ils me repondent pas, je parle un peu ac la securite ki me raconte ke les groupes st dja partis pq ils ont un show a toronto le lendemain soir. et la, sortant de lombre arrive un des roadies ac.... tre cools v own drumstick. (fyi, tre cool is the drummer of green day).
YES! you have, in fact, the new, and v proud owner of tre cools v own drumstick.... signed thank you v much. i may not have gotten a gui-tar, but muahahahhahah.
out of 30,000 ppl i got - tre cools v own drumstick.
traduction: vs avez dvant vs (virtuellement taht is), la nvlle, et tres fiere, proprietaire du baton de tre cool, le merveilleux et hilarant batteur de green day. et signe svp.
voila. mes endorphines commence a baisse, daisy commence a se demander pq je la caresse pas, et moi je dois lire un passionant bouquin deco, et il ne faudrait pas k je mendorme dessus.
dc, bon soir. jespere ke mon recit vs a passione.
(green day has george w bush in it too)


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