Wednesday, September 07, 2005

My first rant :-D

alors dja, je vs prie d m'excuser, c netait point dobby darwin, but doddy (im obsessed with harry potter unfortunately).
ma journee had a reality check in it.
i was comin out of the library, when i heard my name. the dread, the horror! former friend, georgette (name has been changed for that person's privacy).

so sit down with her. and start reading. some of her socialite friends come and join, and i start to sit there feelin really stupid. (pr une raison ou une otre, mon enervement sort mieux en anglais).
they were vain and stupid and even more bourgeois than nething. example: i, who lives a nice 15 min walk from campus, lives "far away". poor things.
another: one guy, donald (i dont even remember his name), is gettin satellite this w/e. bert (same as before) says, damn lucky you. we only (and i stress the only) have cable.
i added a, well we only have two channels that dont work properly, they all shut up and looked at me as if i was a three legged, flea infested, diaherra inflicted dog.
oh yes, and donald has a playstation, a playstation2, a nintendo, a supernintendo, a nintendo64, a xbox, and when i ask him why, same reaction as before. i mean, what a dumb question to ask helen!
so anyway, tt cela ma bcp choque. et puis apres, ou plutot maintenant, je me dis ken les evitant je men tire tellement est-k je joue un role. pq dune certaine facon, je viens du meme milieu... est k c moi ki me percoit differente, ou le suis je vraiment.
en fait, ca reviens a c ke ma fait realiser mon prof deco. meme ceux ki se disent ecologistes, ou environmentaux ne st vraiment rien. mcgill par exemple, ki forment "dexcellent biologistes et ecologistes"(tooting my own horn i am), utilise tellement d ressources, k vraiment avant d lacher des personnes pr "sauver la nature", il le detruit encore un peu plus....
ms bon, jarrete ds mon pessimisme, meme sil reste bien ancre ds mon petit corps insignifiant dvant le reste du monde (oh damn there i go again :p)
bonne nuit little ones.


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