Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Sitting here, listening to a crowd of kids visiting the kiwi, and a teacher saying "smile" makes me want to gag.
Just like yesterday when I literally ploughed through a group of kids on the Mall. I was furious, cuz I was listening to "You Oughta Know" (i love that song, but also know that I should stop listening to it). I was just full of fury, and seeing all those stupid lil middle/high schoolers, determined me to not get out of anybody's way, and was quite relieving really.
Before that I was sitting on the edge of the Potomac, literally the edge, and befriended a duck. A mallard came quacking up to me, about 50cm away, and then stood behind me for a good 10 mins, just quacking, and then sat down 1m to my left and fell asleep. He later woke up with a stretch, slowly entered the water, and flowed away, quacking contently.

*I think the teacher may actually have been the embassador to New Zealand... oops


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